Where is my current private practice?
My private medical practice is based at Albyn Hospital in Aberdeen.
Typically my clinics are on a Monday evening, 6-9pm although I do occasional ad hoc clinics outwith this time if required.
I can see medicolegal patients at Albyn Hospital but the majority of my medicolegal reports are “desktop” rather than face to face.
I’ve written nearly 300 reports to date, most often in asbestos related cases.
albyn hospital
Where is my current NHS practice?
In 2002, following the retiral of my predecessor Prof James Friend, I took up the post of Consultant in Respiratory and General Medicine.
I also worked in General Medicine and also Hyperbaric (Diving Medicine) for several years.
Currently I work solely in Respiratory Medicine, and am a full time NHS consultant, in addition to my private practice.
My NHS work is at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary (see www.aberdeenlungs.com for more information about this).
I do both in- and out-patient work, so I see patients who are acutely unwell in the ward setting, but also patients with more chronic disease in the clinic.
Referral to my NHS practice requires a letter from your General Practitioner or hospital colleagues.